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Video Format Rail-Line State

UP's Jefferson City Subdivision

“UP’s Jefferson City Subdivision” shows all the trains on one of the most historic railroads in the West – Union Pacific’s Jefferson City Subdivision that stretches from St. Louis to Jefferson City, Missouri. This line was once the Pacific Railroad, the first railroad to lay track west of the Mississippi River and the first to reach Kansas City. Later part of the St. Louis to Kansas City main line of the Missouri Pacific and the route of the Eagles, this UP main line today, at least before the current recession, is as busy as it has ever been, thanks to the tide of low sulfur coal trains from the Powder River Basin, UP’s many intermodal, auto, and manifest trains, and Amtrak’s Missouri River Runners. All UP traffic between St. Louis and Kansas City takes this scenic, two main track line that follows the Missouri River. This program shows twenty-four hours of fast-paced action between Herman and Chamois on UP’s Jefferson City Subdivision east of Jefferson City in October of 2009.  This DVD has the option to be watched with or without narration.  “UP’s Jefferson City Subdivision” is 1 hour, 33 minutes long and sells for $34.95 plus $5 for S&H. 

Price: $34.95

UP, CN, and Amtrak at Kinmundy, IL

Small town railroad crossings that haven’t lost their trains or tracks to the mega-merger movement of today, often have a unique character.   The small town of Kinmundy in south-central Illinois, 23 ½ miles northeast of better known Centralia, has only around 900 hundred residents, but it still retains much of its old time railroad flavor. Kinmundy is where the former Illinois Central main line, now Canadian National, from Chicago to Memphis crosses the former Chicago and Eastern Illinois, nee Missouri Pacific line to the coal fields of southern Illinois, that is now owned by Union Pacific and hosts all of UP’s trains between Chicago and Texas. Although CN has fewer but longer trains through Kinmundy today than 40 years ago, the former C&EI line through Kinmundy has several times the number of trains that it had during C&EI or early Missouri Pacific days, including run-through trains from CSX and Norfolk Southern. And UP and CN interchange trains at Kinmundy, utilizing a new interchange track. Run-through power is common. And finally Amtrak’s Chicago to Carbondale mini-corridor passes through Kinmundy. This program shows all of the UP, CN, and Amtrak trains through Kinmundy for over 24 hours in April of 2010. This DVD has the option of being watched with or without narration.  “UP, CN, and Amtrak at Kinmundy, IL” is 1 hour, 31 minutes long and sells for $34.95 plus $5 for S&H. 

Price: $34.95

UP-CSX Shared Track south of Chicago

The former Chicago and Eastern Illinois and Missouri Pacific, now Union Pacific, double track line between Chicago and Woodland Junction that CSX has trackage rights on is by far the busiest rail line running south of Chicago. All of UP’s trains between Chicago and Texas take this line along with most of their traffic between Chicago and St. Louis. This line, often referred to as simply the double track, is also CSX’s primary connection between the Windy City and the Southeast. Although the recession has taken a bite out of the traffic, both railroads have a healthy mix of intermodal, manifest, and unit trains on this busy line. At Woodland junction, eighty-two miles south of Chicago, each railroad goes their own way and the double track ends. This program shows all of the action for over twenty-four hours on the UP-CSX shared track between Momence, fifty miles south of Chicago, and Steger, twenty-two miles further north, in April of 2010. “UP-CSX Shared Track south of Chicago” is 83 minutes in length.  The DVD of this program can be watched with or without narration.

Price: $32.95

The Trains of Atlantic Canada 2010

“The Trains of Atlantic Canada 2010” shows the trains and operations on almost all the railroads still operating in Atlantic Canada during the summer of 2010 including the Cape Breton and Central Nova Scotia and Windsor and Hantsport. Much has changed since our last visit to New Brunswick and Nova Scotia twelve years ago. Improbably, Canadian National has bought back some of the rail lines that they had spun off only a decade earlier. Today’s trains on CN’s main line from Montreal to Moncton through Edmundston, New Brunswick, although fewer than a dozen years ago, are twice as long, running up to twelve thousand feet in length and making for some impressive scenes running through the deep woods and across the great bridges of CN’s superbly engineered, former National Transcontinental Railway line though northern and central New Brunswick. “The Trains of Atlantic Canada 2010” is 95 minutes in length.  The DVD of this program can be watched with or without narration.

Price: $34.95

NS Automotive Artery west of Decatur, IL

“NS Automotive Artery west of Decatur, Illinois” shows over 24 hours of action on each of the NS main lines to Kansas City and St. Louis west of Decatur in central Illinois in May of 2010. Norfolk Southern’s main Line from Detroit to Kansas City and St. Louis has a long and colorful history. Once part of the Wabash, the only railroad to breach both the Chicago and St. Louis gateways, this line today still handles more auto parts bound for assembly plants near St. Louis or Kansas City or the Southwest than any other rail line in this country. And now, with the split of Conrail between NS and CSX, NS’s automotive artery has taken on a new role as a key part of Norfolk Southern’s traffic lane from the East Coast to the St. Louis and Kansas City gateways. Decatur in central Illinois, where the former Wabash main lines from Detroit to Kansas City and Chicago to St. Louis cross, was the physical heart of the Wabash and remains an important rail center today. This DVD shows also shows how NS’s automotive artery is recovering from the current recession. “NS Automotive Artery west of Decatur, Illinois” is 69 minutes in length.  This DVD has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $30.95

UP's Triple Track Main in 2010

Union Pacific’s triple track main between Gibbon and North Platte in central Nebraska is the busiest line for freight trains in this country and carries more tonnage than any rail line in the World – over 300 million tons per year. This historic line, part of the first transcontinental railroad, is also part of UP’s central corridor that stretches from Chicago to Ogden where trains can take one of four routes to Seattle, Oakland, or Los Angeles. To paraphrase the title of a best selling book on the building of the UP, “there is nothing like it in the world”. 20,000 ton coal trains powered by distributed power, long manifests, hot “Z” intermodal trains, and pooled power from all Class I railroads in the country - they’re all here on this incredible piece of track. Just about any superlative you can think of applies to UP’s triple track main. The current recession has taken a significant bite out of the traffic on the triple track main, but the economy is beginning to recover and we still saw 124 trains in twenty-four hours on this busiest piece of track for freight trains on this continent. And today’s trains are longer and heavier than those seen during our last visit to the triple track main in 2001. This program shows all the trains for over twenty-four hours around Kearney, Nebraska on UP’s triple track main in October of 2010. “UP’s Triple Track Main in 2010” is a 3 disk set and is 4 hours and 32 minutes in length.  This DVD has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $50.95

NS Chicago Line in Northern Indiana

In June of 1999 the face of railroading in the East changed overnight. It has now been over eleven years since CSX and Norfolk Southern split up Conrail and began operating their respective shares. How has Norfolk Southern’s former Conrail Chicago Line fared since the Conrail breakup and has traffic begun to recover from what some are calling the “great recession” that began over two years ago. “NS Chicago Line in Northern Indiana” answers those questions and more as it shows the trains and operations for over twenty-four hours on NS’s Chicago Line between the outskirts of La Porte and South Bend in northern Indiana in April of 2010. There have many changes in operations since our last look at this busy line across northern Indiana in 2001 as NS has really grown the business on their Chicago Line. And, in addition to Amtrak’s Lake Shore and Capitol Limited, Canadian Pacific’s trains between Chicago and Detroit also utilize this busy, former New York Central main line. “NS Chicago Line in Northern Indiana” is two hours and thirty-six minutes long and is a two DVD set.  This DVD has the option to be watched with or without narration. 

Price: $40.95

CSX Garrett Sub across Northern Indiana

“CSX Garrett Sub across Northern Indiana” shows the trains and operations for over twenty-four hours on CSX’s busy Garrett Subdivision between Milford Junction and Walkerton in northern Indiana in April of 2010. This program shows how this former Baltimore and Ohio line has fared since the Conrail breakup and how traffic has begun to recover from what some are calling the “great recession” that began over two years ago. There have many changes in operations since our last look at this busy line across northern Indiana in 2001 as CSX in the interim has become a much more efficient and profitable railroad. Pooled power abounds on both of these busy lines across northern Indiana. “CSX Garrett Sub across Northern Indiana” is two hours and eleven minutes in length and is a two DVD set.  This DVD has the option of being watched with or without narration. 

Price: $36.95

CN's Yellowhead - Easiest Pass through the Rockies

At 3718 feet above sea level, the summit of Yellowhead Pass on Canadian National’s transcontinental main line west of Jasper, Alberta, is the lowest and easiest pass through the Rocky Mountains traversed by a transcontinental railroad in either the United States or Canada. No other crossing of the Great Divide even comes close. Yet the highest peaks in the Canadian Rockies stand guard on both sides of the pass. No wonder all three transcontinental railroads in Canada wanted to build through Yellowhead and two of them did. The ascending grade on both sides of the pass is only four tenths of a percent. The tonnage through Yellowhead has quadrupled in the past forty years and CN runs some of the longest freight trains in North America through Yellowhead Pass. And CN’s line through Yellowhead Pass is located in the beautiful Jasper National Park and Mt. Robson Provincial Park. Via’s Canadian and Skeena pass through Yellowhead as does the seasonal Rocky Mountaineer tourist train. This program shows all the trains for over twenty-four hours on both sides of Yellowhead Pass in September of 2010. “CN's Yellowhead – Easiest Pass through the Rockies” is one hour and fifty-two minutes long.  This DVD has the option of being watched with or without narration. 

Price: $34.95

The Trains of Kicking Horse Pass 2010

Some of the most awe-inspiring scenery on this continent is in Canada’s Banff and Yoho National Parks astride the Great Divide in the Rocky Mountains west of Calgary, Alberta. And Canadian Pacific’s transcontinental main line across Canada happens to run right through the middle of these parks alongside the Bow and Kicking Horse Rivers. The west slope of Kicking Horse Pass is the location of the famous spiral tunnels and the east slope follows the beautiful Bow River and its tributaries. This program shows over twenty-four hours of action between Morant’s Curve along the Bow River east of Lake Louise and Field, British Columbia at the base of Field Hill in September of 2010. And, through the use of distributed power units placed at multiple places in the train, Canadian Pacific is running some of the longest trains on this continent over Kicking Horse Pass. “The Trains of Kicking Horse Pass 2010” is one hour and forty-four minutes in length.  This DVD has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $34.95