NS Trains on the Rathole in 2011 DVDNS Trains on the Rathole in 2011 DVDOne of the most storied and best known sections of railroad in this country is the second district of the CNO&TP subsidiary of Norfolk Southern between Danville, Kentucky and Oakdale, Tennessee, better known as the Rathole, for the tight, smoke filled tunnels that once existed on this line. This program shows over twenty-four hours of awesome action on Norfolk Southern’s Rathole on the Cumberland Plateau, just north of the Tennessee-Kentucky border in November of 2011. Business is again growing on this busy up and down line that still challenges the modern power of today, and the variety of that power and traffic is amazing with many intermodal, mixed carload, auto, and unit trains clogging the alternating single and two track main line of the Rathole. 2 disk set. 1 hour and 45 minutes in length. This DVD has the option of being watched with or without narrtion.
Price: $34.95
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