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No More Mindless Runbys
Below are the ten newest releases from Big "E" Productions in both DVD-R and VHS format.

UP's I-5 Corridor around Redding, CA DVD

Union Pacific’s spectacular trackage around Redding in Northern California, is part of their so-called I-5 Corridor which stretches from Los Angeles to Seattle. Once part of Southern Pacific’s Shasta Division, the UP main around Redding covers a variety of terrain – the winding and deep Sacramento River Canyon, high bridges, and some high speed running through the foothills south of Redding, for the lumber drags headed to Southern California and the intermodal trains to traverse. This program shows how traffic on UP’s I-5 Corridor is doing since the UP takeover of the SP eleven years ago by showing all the trains for over 30 hours both sides of Redding on UP’s Valley Subdivision in June of 2007. “UP’s I-5 Corridor around Redding, CA” is 62 minutes long.  The DVD on this program has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $30.95


  • Video Format: DVD

UP's I-5 Corridor around Redding, CA

Union Pacific’s spectacular trackage around Redding in Northern California, is part of their so-called I-5 Corridor which stretches from Los Angeles to Seattle. Once part of Southern Pacific’s Shasta Division, the UP main around Redding covers a variety of terrain – the winding and deep Sacramento River Canyon, high bridges, and some high speed running through the foothills south of Redding, for the lumber drags headed to Southern California and the intermodal trains to traverse. This program shows how traffic on UP’s I-5 Corridor is doing since the UP takeover of the SP eleven years ago by showing all the trains for over 30 hours both sides of Redding on UP’s Valley Subdivision in June of 2007. “UP’s I-5 Corridor around Redding, CA” is 62 minutes long.  The DVD on this program has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $30.95

Pan Am's West End DVD

In March, 2006 Guilford Rail System, the operator of what is left of the Boston and Maine and Maine Central lines in New England, changed its name to Pan Am Railways. This program shows the trains running in July of 2007 on Pan Am’s historic West End or the Fitchburg Route main line of the former Boston and Maine between East Deerfield and Mohawk Yard in Glenville, New York including a day and a half of continuous action. This line includes the historic Hoosac Tunnel that gives Pan Am the easiest crossing of the Berkshires. A number of boxcars and two locomotives have been repainted into Pan Am Railways blue and charcoal color scheme and several of those are shown on this program along with Pan Am’s eclectic mix of older, un-rebuilt motive power that draws fans from far and wide. “Pan AM’s West End” is seventy six minutes long and sells for $32.95 in DVD and $27.95 in VHS plus the usually $5 for S&H on either version. The DVD on this program has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $32.95


  • Video Format: DVD

Pan Am's West End

In March, 2006 Guilford Rail System, the operator of what is left of the Boston and Maine and Maine Central lines in New England, changed its name to Pan Am Railways. This program shows the trains running in July of 2007 on Pan Am’s historic West End or the Fitchburg Route main line of the former Boston and Maine between East Deerfield and Mohawk Yard in Glenville, New York including a day and a half of continuous action. This line includes the historic Hoosac Tunnel that gives Pan Am the easiest crossing of the Berkshires. A number of boxcars and two locomotives have been repainted into Pan Am Railways blue and charcoal color scheme and several of those are shown on this program along with Pan Am’s eclectic mix of older, un-rebuilt motive power that draws fans from far and wide. “Pan AM’s West End” is seventy six minutes long and sells for $32.95 in DVD and $27.95 in VHS plus the usually $5 for S&H on either version. The DVD on this program has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $32.95

The Trains of Colorado's Joint Line

Mention the words “Joint Line” and most railfans think of the BNSF – Union Pacific line between Denver and Pueblo. The 120 miles of single and double track between Denver and Pueblo on the edge of the Front Range have the spectacular Rockies as a backdrop and include 18,000-ton coal trains and heavy manifest trains ascending and dropping down grades as steep as one and a half percent. Many trains have distributed power or DPU with radio controlled helpers at one or more points in the train and some even have both DPU and manned helpers on the steep southbound climb out of Denver to Palmer Lake. This program shows nearly 30 hours of ear-splitting action between Larkspur, nine miles north of the summit and beginning of single track at Palmer Lake, and Crews, south of Colorado Springs, where double track begins again, and includes action through the Springs. “The Trains of Colorado’s Joint Line” is two hours and twenty nine minutes long.

Price: $38.95

The Trains of Colorado's Joint Line DVD

Mention the words “Joint Line” and most railfans think of the BNSF – Union Pacific line between Denver and Pueblo. The 120 miles of single and double track between Denver and Pueblo on the edge of the Front Range have the spectacular Rockies as a backdrop and include 18,000-ton coal trains and heavy manifest trains ascending and dropping down grades as steep as one and a half percent. Many trains have distributed power or DPU with radio controlled helpers at one or more points in the train and some even have both DPU and manned helpers on the steep southbound climb out of Denver to Palmer Lake. This program shows nearly 30 hours of ear-splitting action between Larkspur, nine miles north of the summit and beginning of single track at Palmer Lake, and Crews, south of Colorado Springs, where double track begins again, and includes action through the Springs. “The Trains of Colorado’s Joint Line” is two hours and twenty nine minutes long.

Price: $38.95


  • Video Format: DVD

KCS Meridian Speedway in 2006

Few railroads have undergone as many changes in the past dozen years as has the Kansas City Southern. During that time their Meridian to Dallas Line has become part of a major transcontinental corridor, and KCS has acquired full ownership of the largest Mexican Railroad and access to Mexico via Laredo. Today the 316 mile Meridian to Shreveport line known as the Meridian Speedway is poised to become part of the busiest corridor between the Southeast and the Southwest and Norfolk Southern recently paid three hundred million dollars for part ownership of the Speedway. This program documents the growing traffic on the Speedway by showing all of the trains on Kansas City Southern’s Vicksburg Subdivision between Monroe, Louisiana and Vicksburg, Mississippi in October of 2006. “KCS Meridian Speedway in 2006” is 71 minutes in length.     The DVD on this program has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $30.95

KCS Meridian Speedway in 2006 DVD

Few railroads have undergone as many changes in the past dozen years as has the Kansas City Southern. During that time their Meridian to Dallas Line has become part of a major transcontinental corridor, and KCS has acquired full ownership of the largest Mexican Railroad and access to Mexico via Laredo. Today the 316 mile Meridian to Shreveport line known as the Meridian Speedway is poised to become part of the busiest corridor between the Southeast and the Southwest and Norfolk Southern recently paid three hundred million dollars for part ownership of the Speedway. This program documents the growing traffic on the Speedway by showing all of the trains on Kansas City Southern’s Vicksburg Subdivision between Monroe, Louisiana and Vicksburg, Mississippi in October of 2006. “KCS Meridian Speedway in 2006” is 71 minutes in length.     The DVD on this program has the option of being watched with or without narration.

Price: $30.95


  • Video Format: DVD

CSX West of Russell Yard DVD

Russell Yard, just west of Ashland, Kentucky on the Ohio River, and 142 miles east of Cincinnati, was the heart of the former Chesapeake and Ohio. The 29 miles between Big Sandy Junction where the Big Sandy Sub diverged from the main line and headed south to the western Kentucky coal fields, and NJ Cabin where the lines to Cincinnati and Columbus divide, is still mostly triple track and was the busiest part of the C&O. Original C&O signal bridges still guide the trains on this heavy-duty section of track. Russell Terminal, the largest yard complex on the C&O system sat in the middle of that section of track. This program shows over 24 hours of heavy duty action in October 2006 between RJ Cabin at the west entrance to Russell Yard and NJ Cabin where the lines to Cincinnati and Columbus divide. This two and three track main isn’t as busy as it was in C&O days, but still handles nearly 30 trains on a good day including locals and Amtrak’s Cardinal.

Price: $32.95


  • Video Format: DVD

CSX West of Russell Yard

Russell Yard, just west of Ashland, Kentucky on the Ohio River, and 142 miles east of Cincinnati, was the heart of the former Chesapeake and Ohio. The 29 miles between Big Sandy Junction where the Big Sandy Sub diverged from the main line and headed south to the western Kentucky coal fields, and NJ Cabin where the lines to Cincinnati and Columbus divide, is still mostly triple track and was the busiest part of the C&O. Original C&O signal bridges still guide the trains on this heavy-duty section of track. Russell Terminal, the largest yard complex on the C&O system sat in the middle of that section of track. This program shows over 24 hours of heavy duty action in October 2006 between RJ Cabin at the west entrance to Russell Yard and NJ Cabin where the lines to Cincinnati and Columbus divide. This two and three track main isn’t as busy as it was in C&O days, but still handles nearly 30 trains on a good day including locals and Amtrak’s Cardinal.

Price: $32.95